

更新时间:2022-06-02 21:21:05作者:未知


中国四大名著的英文名分别是《Water Margin》水浒传、《Romance of the Three KingdomsThe Three Kingdoms Era》三国演义、《The Journey to the West》西游记、《A Dream of Red Mansions》红楼梦。

1、Shuihuzhuan, one of the four famous works in China, is a long chapter novel with the Songjiang Uprising in the late Northern Song Dynasty as the main background and type of heroic legend.

Authors or editors are generally regarded as Shi Naian. Most of the existing publications are signed by one or both of them, Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong.


2、The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four famous classical works in China. It is the first full-length historical Romance novel in China. Its full name is The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms).

The author is Luo Guanzhong, a famous novelist in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.


3、Journey to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China. There are 100 copies of Journey to the West in the existing Ming Publications without the authors signature.

Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty.


4、A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China. It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.


本文标签: 英文名  名著  



1、知的部首是矢。拼音:[zhī]、[zhì]。2、释义:[zhī] 晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。[zhì]古同“智”,智慧。3、知字可以组的词语有

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